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KidsCan is a NZ charity helping Kiwi kids living in hardship reach their full potential and create brighter futures for themselves. They provide Kiwi kids in need with food, clothing, and health items at school, so they can get into the classroom in a position to learn. KidsCan does this because we believe that education equals opportunity, and all children, regardless of their social economic background should have an equal chance.
North Haven Hospice
North Haven Hospice, Te Korowai Humarie, provides specialist palliative care for people living with any life-limiting condition, and support for their families/whanau and carers. They are a community resource and there is no charge for their service, which is available to anyone of any age who lives in the Whangarei District or south-east of Kaipara District.
Lifeline Aotearoa
We are proud to be partnering with Lifeline Aotearoa. Their mission is to reduce distress and save lives by providing safe, accessible, effective, professional and innovative services. They work specifically to increase awareness and understanding of suicide prevention in New Zealand and reduce the associated stigma and to work with others to make a positive contribution to the health and social sector.